
Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 21 and 22

I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel! I am getting a little nervous though because I had to get a few groceries the last couple days so I am down to $8.00 left for our grocery budget. I seem to have to buy so much bread and I bought some cheese which is never cheap. My family would eat a loaf a day if I would let them. All the boys have had really huge appetites lately.

No real unexpected expenses have come up so far this month (fingers crosses). Tony has baseball sign-ups this weekend so that will be a little chunk of money. Jake thinks he wants to sign up for soccor, so if he stays true to that it cost $60. We have had 1 doctor apt for Drew, and thankfully our family Dr. trusts my judgement when I called and told him Will needed an antibiotic. He just phoned in a RX, therefore we didn't have to spend the $20 for a another co-pay. We have saved a pretty big chuck of money this month I think. Really on cutting our groceries and entertainment. That is a $569 just between those 2 things!


The Farmer said...

You are doing a great job on your spending freeze!! I'm sure you will make that $6 stretch!!

Jill said...

569!?!?!?! That's insane- and totally awesome! Good for you guys!!!