
Saturday, January 3, 2009

I have found lots of informative websites since starting our challenge.
Did you know you could save up to $200 per year if you wash your clothes in cold water VS warm or hot water? Also if you have a deep freezer, which we do, you should keep it as full as you can to save money.

This morning Jake asked me where the timer was for his shower :) Also the boys have done a good job using the same cup the last 3 days. I didn't do a load of dishes yesterday which was a first! I felt good about my curling iron, stupid thing I know but it has a super fast warm up. So I only had it on for about 3 minutes total. I let my hair almost dry completely before I used my hairdryer. We didn't turn any lights on all morning except when Will and Tony played LEGOS and for our showers. All these things add change to our electric bill. I never really paid much attention until now. But all the small things add up.

As far as the lowering of the temperature during the day I haven't really noticed a difference. We went from 69 to 67 degrees. At 10pm it turns down to 65 degrees. The first night we tried it was the night Brodie was up sick in the middle of the night so I did turn it up to 67 for a couple hours. Last night however we kept it 65 from 10p-6a without a problem. I just added another blanket to my side of the bed.

We have implemented many of the things we said we were going to with the exception of the 5 gallon bucket in the shower to use for our toilets. We haven't started that yet. I'm not sure if I want to.

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