
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Today was a busy day. The little boys and I were at the park in Ankeny by 8:50am this morning. Right off the bat when they woke up they were pushing each other down and stealing each others toys. So, I loaded them up and off we went. We ate our snack there and then headed home. Brodie and I shucked (sp?) corn. He thought that was pretty nifty. He was surprised everytime to find corn inside all the "wrappers". It was pretty cute.

I made a sack lunch and we headed downtown and had lunch with Will. We drove to Gray's Lake and ate there. There is alot of landscaping going on there due to all the flooding they saw. After lunch I put the little boys down and Jake kept an eye on them so I could mow the yard and get some gardening done. I am really going to miss them when they go back to school. They have helped out a lot this Summer. Tony is enjoying his last few days of Summer up at Grandma Marys house. He is hanging out with Aunt Jenny.

This evening we ate dinner with my step brother and then headed to the grocery store. Will's friend Jeff is coming to visit us for a few days so we are getting prepared for that. We have done a little cleaning tonight(ok alot of cleaning) and now it is time to relax for the first time all day finally at midnight!

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