We have had a good weekend. I have gotten alot of things accomplished although I feel like my list of things to do is never ending. I did get my basement cleaned up a little. I made my first cloth napkin! You can read about that
here. And the most productive thing I got done was I cleaned out Jakes dresser and our big dresser and we swapped them. This is because we needed a smaller dresser to make room for the desk we got for our new computer! Yes, we are adding a new computer to the family. It was long due since the oldest four of the family are always wanting a turn on the sole computer. This will be much easier and it will be referred to as "moms computer". I am so excited!! It should be here hopefully tomorrow and then Will will need a dew days to build it and get it up and running with all my programs.
Last night Jake had a friend over. After the little boys went to bed Tony and I went to the store for a few small items. Then I surprised him with a trip to get icecream. I let him pick where we could go. Then we ended up wondering around Target before heading home. He was so thrilled. It was good to get out and spend some alone time with just him.
Today has been quiet. I took Jakes buddy home a little while ago. The little boys are laying down (not sleeping yet, may I add) Jake is watching TV and Will and Tony are outside doing this.

Target shooting with the BB gun! I have been so grateful for a few warmer days. It is weird to look outside and see the snow almost all gone. I have been laying out my garden for the year and I can't wait to get out there and start digging.
Sounds like a good weekend! Our snow is almost gone... I can't believe I'm happy to see mud!!
I know, same here! It won't last long I am afraid. Looks like we are in for some more snow later in the week :(
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