Jake actually chose to get his haircut. I told him that he needed a trim, but he decided he wanted to cut it short. He wanted "something new". Here is his before shots.

Are you ready for this?
Are you sure?
He looks alot different...

I really like it!! I can see his face again. The lady who cut his hair told me she thought he was gonna cry when he first saw it. You wouldn't believe the pile of hair on the floor! He wasn't too sure about it at first, but by the end of the night, I think he was getting used to it.

Wow, you look so much older and soooo handsome! Way to go, Jake. You are so cool.
Love you, Grandpa and Grandma
(Dave and Anita)
Sorry I couldn't help but chuckle. This took me back to a time when my Dad told my brother he needed to get his hair cut, my brother went and got a crew cut!
He looks very handsome in his new short hair cut!
WOW! What a difference! And what a great way to mark turning into a young adult! :) He looks awesome!
Very cool. How will he keep the girls away? Probably not his objective. :)
This looks great, Jake!
As the mother of a boy with VERY long curly crazy hair, I have to say...
Your new cut looks GREAT, Jake!!!
Jacob -- You are such a delight. I loved watching your father grow through his teenage years, and now it's fun watching you grow into who you will be.
When your dad was in high school he did a lot of experimenting with long hair, short hair, no hair, blue hair, red hair, etc. etc. Some of the other moms asked me why I allowed him to do all that experimenting with his hair. I told them that in my family the men were usually bald by the time they were 30, so I told Will to enjoy his hair while he had it!
He does still have a good head of hair, so maybe he'll break the pattern.
At any rate, Jacob, you look quite handsome in this haircut and I think it complements your eyes -- which are your best feature. Windows of the soul, you know.
Love, Grandma B.
He looks great. Did the kids at school know who he was???
He does look like a different kid! He looks good though. He looked great both ways! :)
My oldest recently did the same thing. I told him he needed a trim (his hair was actually a little longer than your son's, and he has wavy hair.) We ended up getting most of it cut off, although he does still have a little on top. It's surprising how much a little haircut changes the way they look!
Handsome young man!
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