My kids are blessed to have so many grandparents!
It was a slow ride but we made it up to Will's moms safely. Once again we opened gifts.

Aunt Jenny got Jake a Cowbell shirt and an actual cowbell! Jake loves it and has already worn the shirt multiple times. Thankfully mom hasn't heard the cowbell much.

Tony was pretty excited about some
finger drums and a magic set from Grandpa and grandma as well some Halo Legos from Jenny.

Brodie and Drew love the new giant dump truck and bulldozer they received!

Drew was pretty excited about his new Doctors kit as well.

And of course leave it to my sister-in-law to redecorate my kitchen for me. In what else besides...chickens!! I got a new rug, towels and hotpot holders. I needed all of those things and I love them!!

We had a wonderful time. We spent a few days just relaxing and playing games. Joel's sister and brother-in-law were there visiting and we had a great time learning some new games and getting caught up with them. The boys just love Roger, who is Grandpa's brother-in-law. I can't believe I have NO pictures of the boys with him. They spent most of their time playing with him or playing with all the fun gadgets on his Iphone.

Brodie and Drew also love to chase Jake down and play guns with him. Here Jake is hiding in the basement. The little boys are not allowed down there so they are just waiting for him to return so they can ambush him.

Brodie and Drew also got awesome snow shovels. They immediately wanted to go out and use them. They were so excited. Thankfully it snowed overnight so the next morning they could get out and put them to use.

Needless to say our Christmas day was wonderful. Busy, but wonderful.