
Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Wow, I can't believe it is May 7 already. This last week has flown by. I have been incredibly busy. We are having our garage sale starting on Friday. So far they are forcasting no rain for that day. We need to have NO RAIN because the majority of our stuff will be in the driveway. I have put in many late nights preparing for this so I hope it is worth it.

The garden is ready to be tilled again. We got all the grass dug out. I am excited to plant. The boys have had a great time with their dumptrucks and shovels back there. I think I will have to leave one little area for them. Tony wants to have his own little area as well so I might need to make it bigger!

We have enjoyed the beautiful weather so much! We have spent a lot of time outside and the kids have been sleeping great! Tony had a ball game Monday night. They lost but it was a good night to be outdoors. Yesterday Brodie and I got a ton of weeds pulled in the flower beds. Jake has loved just running around outside and playing down in the gully pretty much every day after school.

Well off to start another day. Brodie has swimming this morning. That always wakes us all up real quick getting into that cold pool!

1 comment:

juliecache said...

about tony having his own garden: This is our first year to not have a friendly competition between Gabe and me over who harvests the most potatoes. I think ella and I planted about 60 onions today. More than we expected to do. wishing you the best on the garden!