I can not hardly believe our little Emily is 1 year old today. Boy does the time go fast. I am still fascinated that we have a
girl! I think I might have found my feminine side again after living so long with only males in the household.
Unfortunately she has been sick all week with an ear infection so she wasn't her perkiest today. We decorated the dining room like we always do when it is someones birthday. Daddy decorated her chair.

The balloons provided lots of entertainment and she was quite content for awhile just sitting there playing.

Once daddy got home from work and all her brothers came home from school it was present time! We had the radio on and she loves music. So instead of tearing open her presents she just sat there and danced. And danced. And danced. The boys were starting to get really impatient so they started to open her presents for her. Finally Dad turned off the radio so she could concentrate on ripping paper!

She got a new pair of black pants and had fun playing peek-a-boo with them. She giggles so much when you play that with her.

Where's Emmy?

There she is!
And I had to share this picture of her playing with Drew. Notice her hair is starting to get thicker? And dark too. Some day we will be able to do bows and pony tails.

This little girl has brought so much joy and happiness to our lives. We love you Emily Joy!
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