The Christmas trees were an added feature later on. We decorated these foam tress as a family event one evening during "family night". I bought a package of 50 foam trees and set out glue, glitter, pom poms, sequence and other materials. The kids and adults had a good time!
For some new games I made this game with the idea stemming from here. You take a cereal box and cut the top off. Print off the penguin and glue him to the box cutting a hole in the mouth. Print off the fish. (I printed 30, 2 pages, 15 for each child) Take turns rolling the dice. Whatever number is on the dice is the number of fish you put into the penguins mouth. Whoever runs out of fish first, wins. Drew really liked this game.
I'm so excited to see this post today. We are learning letter P right now too and I have been searching for a good penguin activity to do. Thanks for the great ideas!
Love these penguin ideas! I especially like the game where they "feed" the baby penguin! How cute!
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