
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Firetruck Craft

This week we are focusing on the letter "C" mainly (you could use this craft for the letter "F" as well). My theme for the week and possible next week will be community helpers. Today we discussed firefighters and what they do to help our community. We also discussed what we do if we see a fire or smoke. To go along with our discussion we read a couple books and we made these firetrucks out of egg cartons.Items you will need include an egg carton, red paint with brush, pipe cleaner, black construction paper, picture of child or picture from magazines, scissors and glue.1. First cut the lid off the egg carton. Have the child paint the carton red. Allow to dry.
2. Cut 2 circles out of black paper for wheels and glue to bottom of carton.
3. Cut picture out and put in upper right corner for driver.
4. Cut up and bend pipecleaner to make ladder.
Linked to Ramblings of a Crazy Woman's Friday Showcase.


Anonymous said...

That is soooooooo clever. What a great way to learn and have fun. Good job! Grandma Anita

Christie said...

I love that idea and it's the first time I've ever seen it! So cute!

Debra said...

I love your creativity. Nice!!! My little one is just now getting to the age where we can start crafts....I'm excited. Thanks for sharing.

Sherry said...

VERY COOL! The thing ppl do w/ egg cartons!

jennwa said...

Super cute.

Deborah said...

I love this - super cute idea!

Bobby said...

I love how creative this firetruck craft is.