Spring has sprung around the Figgins household. We had a pretty decent weekend. I think I am finally starting to feel better after battling a stomach virus all last week. That pretty much kept me on the couch. After being cooped up all last week it was nice to have some great weather and get outside!
One of our first signs of Spring, the capture of our first worm! Poor guy. Thankfully for him our worm farm is not ready yet.

Drew's cast doesn't stand a chance now that it is warm out. Thankfully we only have 10 days left. And thankfully I can take it off and wash it. I decided not to take a picture of the water it soaked in overnight. You can imagine.

Happiness is...

opening the shed and finally being able to get the bikes out! The kids were all happy to welcome back their backs and get some good 'ol outdoor exercise.

I was happy too because I got some yard work done. Our yard is badly bruised from all the snow plowing that had to be done this Winter so it is going to take a little work. I did get some rocks racked back into the driveway and some sticks cleaned up around the property. It's a small start.
Tony was super excited to have his soccer net put up. We all played with that for awhile on Sunday. I am starting to think we should get another ball because everyone wants to kick the ball at the same time. The rules of soccer and football become a little blurry. I witnessed alot of tackling.

Brodie learned something new this weekend. He learned to pedal a bike! We gave him Tony's old bike and he was as happy as 4-year-olds can be! He thinks he is pretty big stuff now.

Drew was happy to just push his dump truck all over the place. He decided to wear his helmet too since his brothers were. Probably a good thing for that child. Jake said he should wear it all the time. That might not be such a bad idea!
I see Brodie's on the big bike! Well don't forget, if you go little bike shopping (you know why), I'm there for you (you know why).
Respectfully & Regretfully,
You Know Who
(aka The Crusher)
(aka Bad Uncle Jeff)
What fun can hardly wait to get home. Love you all, Grandma
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