
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day to all you Dad's out there. The kids and I spent our weekend in Colo with Will's parents so that Will could have a day of peace and quiet. We were gone approximately 24 hours. Long enough for Will to get some good video game and movie time in as well as accomplishing a few projects off the to do list. Today Will, Joel and the two older boys went to a movie together and then Jen and I made dinner for everyone when they returned. We played a round of cards and followed it with dessert. It was a good weekend.

It will be an interesting week for me since Tony came back home with me today. For 2 weeks I have had only 3 children. Now they are all home. Hopefully the weather cooperates and we can get outside alot. Will has been working from home since Wednesday due to all the flooding downtown. I think he is going to try and go back in to the office tomorrow. I will have to post some flood pictures later that Will and I took while driving around Saturday. It is truly an amazing site. There is just so much water it makes you sad seeing how much damage it has caused and how things are so displaced. It is going to be tough to clean up after all this rain. I am so thankful we are not having any issues. We have been very lucky.

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