
Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Things are looking up for us here at the Figgins household. Will and I worked with my Dad and Anita this weekend getting our house clean and sanitized. Will and I only got about 8 hours of sleep for the weekend but it was worth it. Our house is sooo much nicer. We washed every wall, floor, cabinet inside and out and even shampooed all the carpets. The boys stayed up at Grandma Marys. It was such a relief to have them gone so we could get so much accomplished. It makes me feel so much better to have a fresh clean home. Now, if only the weather would get warmer.

The kids are much better. Drew still has about 4 days left of his medicine but he is back to his regular self. Sleeping through nights and just being his happy little self. I am so grateful that we are all well (crossing fingers).

My next big project...PAINT! I have decided that since all my walls have just been washed we are going to paint the entire house inside. plus, we have to cover up all the soot and yucky stuff on all the ceilings. We are having a Mid-American energy audit next week to see what we qualify for to get new windows and insulation. Should be interesting to see what they say. New paint and new windows, could it get any better? I have been wanting both ever since we moved in!

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